“All of our current ideas seem to us to be from the past, but what is happening today is too devastating for any new idea to capture it. What we can do is, through the clash of old ideas with the world of today, try to envision a clue, a sign that will amuse us through reactivity – which is manifestly insufficient. But for lack of a better option, through habit or necessity, from stubbornness or dissatisfaction, for pleasure or melancholy, because we don´t know how to be still or because it seems unseemly to stop, we have decided to go ahead with this project made of old ideas. Let´s see if at some point we are surprised by the inevitability of an idea which is more suitable to this time.”
Scale is the closing play for the project Infiltration by Sofia Dias and Vítor Roriz, at Teatro do Bairro Alto. It aims to encompass the idea of the collective/social body which remained at the margins of the predominantly paired work by this duo. A change in perspective which enables a deepening of the logic of composition, making decisions that escape our internal processes as author-performer, and an expansion to other bodies of that which we reluctantly call vocabulary.
Artistic and Technical Information
Artistic direction: Sofia Dias & Vítor Roriz
Performance: Alice Bachy, Bruno Brandolino, Luís Guerra, Natacha Campos, Sofia Dias, Vítor Roriz
Light design: Nuno Borda de Água
Scenography objects: Gonçalo Barreiros
Costumes and Artistic Assistance: Filipe Pereira
Sound: Sofia Dias
Administration and production: Vítor Alves Brotas | agência 25
Coproduction: Teatro do Bairro Alto, A Oficina
Support: República Portuguesa – Cultura / Direção-Geral das Artes
Residency support: Estúdios Vítor Córdon, Fórum Dança, Espaço Alkantara.