Entertainment can help postpone pain, but never avoid it. Perhaps that’s why Tiago Lima is bringing to Sala Estúdio a show that is also a concert, where a band occupies the stage with bass, piano and drums. “Ainda estou aqui” takes as its starting point the need that every human being has to be distracted in multiple ways and investigates the relationship that people establish with music, literature or cinema. We then see the general devotion to entertainment in an increasingly individualistic society, which also explains the loneliness that can affect anyone. The human purpose continues to be the search for meaning. However, instead of leaving the cave to find them, we have decided to go even deeper into it and hope that, in this darkness, everything we want will be discovered.x
Artistic and Technical Information
Text and scenography: Tiago Lima
Musicians: Bruno Ambrósio, Débora Umbelino aka Surma, Eduardo Frazão and Rodolfo Major
Musical direction: Raimundo Carvalho
Original song: A Junção
Lighting: Alexandre Costa
Props: Daniela Cardante
Sound design: Hugo Valverde e Luís Lucena
Illustration: Mariana Soares
Executive production: Cláudia Teixeira
Communication: Inês Lampreia
Financial management and administration: Vítor Alves Brotas
Production: agência 25
Co-production: Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, A Oficina, O Espaço do Tempo and Teatro Viriato.
Show created with the support of the Amélia Rey Colaço Scholarship, an initiative of Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, Centro Cultural Vila Flor, O Espaço do Tempo and Teatro Viriato.
Project co-financed by COMPETE 2020, Portugal 2020 and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
agência 25 is a member of REDE – Association of Structures for Contemporary Dance.
agência 25 ©2024