Based on Christa Wolf’s Cassandra and extensive research into the Witch Hunt, Teresa Coutinho writes and creates O Fim Foi Visto (The End Has Been Seen).
Like Christa Wolf, who believes that it is up to women to write that will restore peace, as an alternative to the male warlike impulse that has shaped human history, this show focuses on the possibility of avoiding a tragic outcome, if women’s intuition is taken into account.
Combining research and fiction, historical elements and reflections on future political outcomes, Teresa Coutinho imagines a future dictatorship in which women, accused of witchcraft, will once again see their rights brutally restricted. In order to think about the dangerous growth of the far right throughout Europe, the aim here is to create a fable about fear, passivity and the cyclical repetition of mechanisms of oppression by power.
Artistic and Technical Information
creation, text: Teresa Coutinho
creation support: Leonor Buescu
interpretation: Ana Baptista, Ana Sampaio e Maia, Ana Valente, Cláudia Semedo, Lúcia Pires, Maria Duarte, Siobhan Fernandes, Mariana Guarda, Rita Cruz, Sara de Castro, Sara Ribeiro, Tânia Alves, Tanya Ruivo
light design: Daniel Worm d’Assumpção
costume design: Carlota Lagido
video direction: Teresa Coutinho, Mariana Guarda
sound design: Teresa Coutinho, Surma, Filipe Silva
choreography: Teresa Coutinho, Piny
movement support: Piny
voice support: Joana Campelo
outside eye: Rafael Gomes, Lila Tiago
technical direction: Filipe Silva
promotional photography: Rui Palma
rehearsal photography: Filipe Ferreira
executive production: Lila Tiago
communication: Maria João Bilro
financial management, administration: Vítor Alves Brotas
production: agência 25
residencies: Espaço Oficina, O Espaço do Tempo, Centre Culturel Irlandais Paris, Camões Paris
co-production: Teatro Municipal do Porto, EGEAC – Teatro do Bairro Alto, Teatro-Cine de Torres Vedras, Centre Dramatique National Orléans / Centre-Val de Loire
support: República Portuguesa – Cultura | DGARTES – Direção-Geral das Artes
O Fim foi visto — Teresa Coutinho @ Lisboa, PT
O Rumo do Fumo, Pro.Dança, Espaço Parasita, CAL, Teatro do Bairro Alto.
agência 25 is a member of REDE – Association of Structures for Contemporary Dance.
agência 25 ©2024